Slate Roof Press


Price $15.00
Paperback, perfect bound
Breakwater Books Ltd., 2009
ISBN-13: 978-1897174371

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A Newfoundland Journal

I'd always loved an imaginary Newfoundland, so much so I made of point of going there, to the physical Newfoundland. It surely caused me to love it more. Likewise, this book by Janet MacFadyen brings me a new Newfoundland, another Newfoundland, compounding Newfoundland as only an ardent and careful poetry can do. Sweet book, strange journey, good history; days of the week turn into eons, poetry's inclinations exponentially advance toward infinity. Newfoundland

—Dara Wier, author of Tolstoy Killed Anna Karenina

A Newfoundland Journal is told in a found language that is innovative in style, tone and movement, one that embodies both earth and an earthbound mysticism. Lured beyond our usual vision, MacFadyen takes us on a day-by-day passage during which we are continually awakened and surprised. We move through the new land fully because of the precision of her language, the depth of her seeing, the actual histories and the stories of individuals she encounters. This is an astonishing new book, a place we are honored to enter and one we will not forget.

—Genie Zeiger, author of How I Find Her: A Mother’s Dying and a Daughter’s Life