Slate Roof Press

The 2024 Slate Roof Press Poetry Chapbook Contest/Elyse Wolf Prize is accepting manuscripts from May 15 through June 30.

Changeable Gods, by Richard Wollman
Elyse Wolf Prize Winner

With echoes of Rilke's sonnets, Changeable Gods compels the reader through a sequence of beautifully imagistic love poems, in which the changing hues of early morning and the gods themselves emerge and recede, only to reemerge under the poet's painterly eye.

"In this remarkable book, Wollman uses clear and lyrical human speech to create a sequence of poems at once complex and intimate. The gods he speaks of do not always inspire trust, but do, however, inspire lyric poetry of sheer beauty....[When] the gods take flight and the poet is thrown back upon himself, he has that self to fall back on....deeply changed by having participated in the creation of days...." — Alfred Nicol

We're delighted to offer two letterpress broadsides by SRP Glass Broadside Contest winners, poets Jendi Reiter and Armen Davoudian! Both feature original woodcuts by J. Hyde Meissner. $15/each. Click here.

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NEW! body psalms by Audrey Gidman

"This is a collection of incantations, meditations, conjurings, 'a bowl of water on the ground…a bowl catching grief like rainwater.' In this compact collection, the poet asks if we can make something sacred of our lives….Her deep lyric awareness beckons a reader into the world of iikááh, a holy place where 'gods come and go.' From memory and the honoring of earth, trees, and the body, Gidman reframes trauma…." — Lisa C. Taylor

"body psalms is a book of wonder, blood, and holy longing for flowers and seeds and wind and stone and their echoes in the human form. Her poems are the sound of song in the wind, music of the earth in cupped hands. They are made of the body the way prayer is made of breath…." —Jeffrey Thomson

"This collection is a rarity, a ritual space incubated in the wilderness, steeped in mythic and ecstatic consciousness…."  —Timothy Liu

The Wild Language of Deer
by Susan Glass
Elyse Wolf Prize Winner

"Something almost otherworldly hovers at the edges of these poems, a quiet attunement that brushes humbly up against the big mysteries."  -- The Boston Globe:

"This book, with its exquisite woodcuts and a poem in Braille translation, will subtly reorient your relationship to our world."

— Alison Luterman

"One step into the stilled silence of Susan Glass' The Wild Language of Deer and we are aware how acutely the next step might break us. Of course, there is no erasing the footfall or unhearing the snap of these poems 'that will never domesticate, that welcome / this wild language back…'"

— Nils Michals


Slate Roof Press, an art-quality publisher, produces beautiful books with letterpress covers crafted by member and award-winning printer, Ed Rayher. A member-run collective established in 2004, we are dedicated to publishing the best in poetry.

Mailing Address:

Slate Roof Press
15 Warwick Rd.
Northfield, MA 01360

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